市佔率重要,心佔率更重要 | 華倫巴菲特對於心佔率的理念
歡迎來到Sunfortzone,我們的目標是幫助價值投資者更了解他們投資的企業,以及成為一個更好的人。 若您想要在價值投資的路上成長,請訂閱我們的Youtube頻道,就可以獲得更多有價值的內容。 華爾街靠頻繁交易賺錢,而我們作為價值投資者是靠長期持有賺錢。
黑神話悟空是一款由中國遊戲公司遊戲科學開發的動作角色扮演遊戲 ,基於《西遊記》中的孫悟空角色和故事背景。動畫中可以看到黑神話悟空相關概念股的季淨利比較,共比較台股11間公司,資料期間是從2013年第一季到2024年第二季,我們可以發現到在這十一年中,獲利普遍排名前四大的廠商為做電腦的華碩、板卡廠技嘉和微星,以及記憶體廠威剛。
The book “Poor Charlie’s Almanack” primarily shares the life wisdom and investment philosophy of Charlie Munger, who is the long-term business partner of Warren Buffett, the legendary investor.The content of the book revolves around the following key aspects:1. The Importance of Cross-Disciplinary Learning: Munger emphasizes that to become an excellent investor or decision-maker, one should not be limited to knowledge from a single field but should instead explore various disciplines and build their own “mental models.” These mental models are like tools in a toolbox, helping us to analyze problems more comprehensively and make better judgments.2. The Power of Compounding: Munger places great importance on the power of compounding, which applies not only to investing but also to many aspects of life. He believes that if you can be just a little smarter than others and allow time to work its magic, the results can be significantly different.3. Avoiding Common Thinking Errors: The book lists many common thinking errors, such as the sunk cost fallacy. Munger reminds us to stay vigilant and avoid letting these errors influence our judgments.4. Investment Philosophy: Munger shares his unique investment philosophy, emphasizing the importance of value investing and how to identify good companies that are undervalued.5. Life Wisdom: Beyond investing, Munger also shares his views on life, happiness, morality, and other aspects.In summary, *”Poor Charlie’s Almanack”* is a book filled with wisdom, suitable not only for investors but for anyone who wants to improve their thinking abilities.
《窮查理的普通常識》這本書,主要是在分享查理·蒙格(Charlie Munger),也就是股神巴菲特的長期事業夥伴,他的人生智慧與投資哲學。
1 跨領域學習的重要性: 蒙格強調,要成為一個優秀的投資者或決策者,不能只侷限於單一領域的知識,而是要廣泛涉獵各個學科,建立自己的「心智模式」。這些心智模式就像工具箱裡的工具,能幫助我們更全面地分析問題、做出更好的判斷。
2 複利的力量: 蒙格非常重視複利的力量,不僅在投資上,在人生的許多方面都適用。他認為,只要能比別人稍微聰明一點,加上時間的累積,就能產生巨大的差異。
3 避免常見的思考錯誤: 書中列舉了許多常見的思考錯誤,例如沉沒成本謬誤等等。蒙格提醒我們,要時刻保持警惕,避免這些錯誤影響我們的判斷。
4 投資哲學: 蒙格分享了他獨特的投資哲學,強調價值投資的重要性,以及如何找到被低估的好公司。
5 人生智慧: 除了投資,蒙格也分享了他對人生、幸福、道德等方面的看法。
Interactive Brokers, Nasdaq ticker symbol IBKR, is a global online broker which offers their customers investment and trading services. Today, we would like to share with you the Pros and Cons of Interactive Brokers’ Stock Yield Enhancement Program, which is a way to make extra interest income by lending yours shares to other people who want to short sell the stocks.
1. 關注需求,而非立場:與其爭論你想要什麼(立場),不如探討你為什麼想要它(需求)。這促進了同理心,並開啟了創造性解決方案的大門。
2. 使用公平標準:依賴市場價格或規範等客觀標準來做決策。這樣可以消除個人偏見,創造公平的競爭環境。
3. 創造互惠互利的解決方案:集思廣益,尋找對所有人都有利的解決方案。差異性可以是創意的來源,從而導致雙贏的情況。
4. 將人與問題分開:在處理問題時保持尊重的關係。對問題要堅定,但對人要理解。
Today we share key ideas from “Getting to Yes” by Ury and Fisher, focusing on achieving mutually beneficial negotiation outcomes.
Negotiation isn’t about winning or compromising; it’s about understanding and addressing underlying interests.
There are four strategies:
Focus on Interests, Not Positions: Instead of arguing over what you want (positions), delve into why you want it (interests). This fosters empathy and opens doors to creative solutions.
Use Fair Standards: Rely on objective criteria like market rates or regulations to make decisions. This removes personal bias and creates a level playing field.
Invent Options for Mutual Gain: Brainstorm solutions that benefit everyone. Differences can be the source of creativity, leading to win-win scenarios.
Separate the People from the Problem: Maintain a respectful relationship while addressing the issue head-on. Be firm on the problem but understanding towards the person.
Interactive Brokers, Nasdaq ticker symbol IBKR, is a global online broker which offers their customers investment and trading services. Today, we would like to share with you fundamental analysis on Interactive Brokers as of the first quarter of 2024.
The conclusion is that Tiered pricing is cheaper compared to Fixed pricing in terms of the commissions you have to pay when buying and selling stocks using the Interactive Brokers platform. In this content, we calculate in detail how much commission you have to pay in different scenarios including how big is your trading amount, buy or sell, whether you buy on the bid or ask. Hopefully, our insights can help as many investors as possible to reduce their investment costs.
Interactive Brokers, Nasdaq ticker symbol IBKR, is a global online broker which offers their customers investment and trading services. Today, we would like to share with you the top 6 advantages that Interactive Brokers give you.
Interactive Brokers, Nasdaq ticker symbol IBKR, is a global online broker which offers their customers investment and trading services. Today, we would like to share with you my personl honest review about this investment platform.
Mohnish Pabrai is known as India’s Warren Buffet. He is a also a good friend of Charlie Munger. Let’s check his checklist before buying stocks.